Many women who are planning to have a baby are already worried about their figure in advance. And although on Instagram the scales are shifting more and more towards the body positive movement they want to look good both during and just after pregnancy. Simply getting back into shape after the solution is not enough, as they are already implementing weight loss during pregnancy. However, is it safe for both mother and child?
Table of Contents:
- Pregnancy planning
- Lack of appetite
- Ailments during the first trimester of pregnancy
- Weight loss during pregnancy
- Healthy eating
- Physical activity of pregnant women
- Movement during pregnancy and the well-being of the mother-to-be
- Gynecological care
- Extra pounds
- Preparation for childbirth
- Getting back in shape after pregnancy
Pregnancy planning
It is very common for women already at the planning stage of pregnancy to worry about the excess weight they will gain during these 9 months. Loss of figure is also one of the reasons why they choose not to have a child at all. “I will never get pregnant, because I see what my friends who have decided to have a baby look like. I don’t go to the gym to get so fat”. – Magda writes on one of the online forums for women.
During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes numerous transformations, and it is important to be aware that after giving birth it may not fully return to its pre-pregnancy state. Muscles and skin, especially around the abdomen and breasts, relax. In addition, an improperly fitting bra that does not provide adequate support for the breasts can contribute to altering their shape and making them appear larger than they really are.
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Lack of appetite
When a woman manages to get pregnant, one of the first signs is a lack of appetite. Contrary to popular belief, many even lose weight in the first trimester instead of gaining weight. The storm of hormones, fluctuating moods, and lack of strength further exacerbate this. The famous pregnancy cravings don’t appear until the end of the third month, so by then they often think it will stay that way. The truth, however, is quite different. Stories of a partner driving around in the middle of the night looking for a bucket of KFC are not isolated incidents. And the more such uncontrollable hunger attacks, the more excess weight.
Ailments during the first trimester of pregnancy
Sleep problems also arise during pregnancy. Studies confirm that sleep deprivation or sleep disturbance is a factor that further increases appetite. It is also worth remembering that this problem does not disappear after childbirth, and can continue for many months after the solution, especially if the woman is breastfeeding. Nightly awakenings for feedings occur even several times in one night.
In addition, bloating and constipation occur during the first trimester. Despite the lack of appetite, a woman can feel full and look bigger, as the abdomen can literally swell in front of the eyes. All of this results in a poor mood and an understated sense of self-worth.
Weight loss during pregnancy
This is also when the first thoughts about weight loss during pregnancy often arise. Although doctors and nutritionists warn women against this type of action, it is still quite popular. The Internet is full of guides on the subject or magical diets to ensure that a woman does not gain weight during pregnancy. However, it is important to start with the fact that extra pounds are not necessarily body fat.
The baby itself weighs about 3-4 kilograms. In addition, amniotic fluid of about the same weight. Uterus – 2 kilograms, placenta – 1.5 kg, breasts and fat that protects the fetus. Most of this a woman loses immediately during childbirth, and what is left is a matter of time and constipation.

Healthy eating
Instead of losing weight during pregnancy, it is worth investing in healthy eating. There is still a misconception that one should eat for two during pregnancy. During the first trimester, you should not increase your meals and maintain your caloric needs as they were before pregnancy. It is only in the second and third trimesters that it is worth leaning towards making meals more caloric. In the second trimester by about 400 kcal, and in the third trimester by 500 kcal.
During this time, it is advisable to eat healthy and balanced meals that will benefit not only the health of the mother, but also the baby. Doctors recommend lean meat, fish, dairy products, fruits, vegetables and, of course, fiber, which will also help with ailments that occur during the first trimester of pregnancy.
Physical activity of pregnant women
Movement is also important during pregnancy. It’s not that a pregnant woman who previously did not do any sport suddenly started going to the gym regularly. When it comes to movement during pregnancy, walking, swimming pool or group classes organized for moms-to-be are good options. Those ladies who exercised regularly before pregnancy can also do so while pregnant, of course, if there are no contraindications.
Currently, many women who are pregnant regularly indulge in physical activity, as it cranks up their metabolism and they have more strength and energy. It is also a better preparation for childbirth.
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Movement during pregnancy and the well-being of the mother-to-be
Any movement during pregnancy should be discussed in advance with the doctor in charge of the pregnancy and depend on the well-being of the mother-to-be. During these 9 months, the mood changes dramatically even in a few minutes, so it is not worth forcing yourself to go to the gym or swimming pool if you do not feel like it.
If the mother-to-be regularly plays sports during pregnancy, she should also pay attention to whether shortness of breath or dizziness occurs during this time. A fall can be very dangerous and even lead to miscarriage or premature birth. So you should hydrate regularly and control the regularity of your food intake.

Gynecological care
During pregnancy, the woman’s care is taken by the attending gynecologist and it is with him that every detail should be discussed, including physical activity, diet or weight loss during pregnancy. Every woman is different, every pregnancy is different, and every case is different. Therefore, it is important to listen to the rhythm of your body and provide it with the best of everything during this time.
If alarming signs, bleeding or pain appear during or just after exercise, they should not be ignored. It is better to go to an appointment ten times too often than one time too few. Especially with the first pregnancy, young mothers may have a lot of questions and doubts, which should not be consulted with friends or mom, but precisely with a gynecologist. How a pregnancy goes is not genetically determined, and it is made up of many different components, starting with your lifestyle. It should also be borne in mind that in one woman, each successive pregnancy may differ significantly from previous ones.
Extra pounds
Free pounds during pregnancy are something quite normal, which should not trouble the mother-to-be. The female body has to endure a lot during this time, as well as during childbirth. So it is worth taking good care of them, including eating properly and not thinking about weight loss. Deciding to have a baby, the mother-to-be must be aware that her body will change completely during this time, but getting her figure back is not an impossible thing.
Preparation for childbirth
Instead of thinking about weight loss during pregnancy, you should focus on preparing for childbirth. Proper breathing techniques, regular exercise and eating healthy, balanced meals throughout pregnancy will make a woman have more energy during labor. A body weakened by a diet that gets too few calories may not have the strength for an hours-long labor. In Poland, not every hospital allows women to eat during labor, nor do they always have the desire, time or conditions to do so.
Getting back in shape after pregnancy
So when planning a pregnancy, it’s a good idea to let go of the topic of weight loss and restrictive diets. This is the time when a woman can allow herself more, including an extra chocolate bar or an after-dinner nap. Return to form is best left for later, there will still be time for it.
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