Someone once said that pregnancy lasts 8 months and 6254183 days. This is true, especially if the mother-to-be is waiting for something. Only it is not always an expectation only for the child. Many women dream of getting rid of the excess pounds that have already left their mark on their bodies. Getting back into shape after pregnancy is therefore a must.
Exercise during pregnancy
It often happens that even if a woman was physically active and very athletic before becoming pregnant, she has to give it up during those long 9 months. Feeling unwell , excessive sleepiness, constant fatigue or nausea can effectively spoil all plans. In addition, there are medical issues such as the risk of premature labor, sciatica or a cervix that shortens too quickly. Then the doctor may categorically forbid exercising during pregnancy.
In general, physical activity during pregnancy should depend on the mood and health of the mother-to-be and the baby. It is a good idea to listen to your body, which also sends signals when you should stop. In such a situation, a good form of physical activity is walking, yoga or fitness classes tailored for pregnant women.
How much weight should one gain during pregnancy?
This is a completely individual matter depending on many factors: height, weight, and even lifestyle. It is accepted that, in general, a pregnant woman should gain weight in the range of 11-16 kilograms. Most of this will shed already during childbirth, because the baby, placenta, blood and fetal waters weigh their own. However, there are women who gain a lot more weight during pregnancy, and that’s ok too.
Female hormones that are buzzing during pregnancy can cause so-called pregnancy cravings to appear. Unfortunately, it is not at all easy to fight them. Stories about how a partner sets out in the middle of the night in search of chocolate with nuts, a juicy mango or a set from McDonalds are not at all exaggerated. And while theoretically it can be combated by following a balanced diet, practice can be quite different.

Childbirth as one of the hardest physical efforts
Childbirth is the culmination of the last months, which women longingly await. The last few weeks, when the abdomen recedes, on top of which a penguin-like gait from foot to foot appears, make it often necessary to abandon any physical activity. The very moment when the baby comes into the world is considered the hardest possible physical effort. A woman is exhausted afterwards and needs increased rest.
Many women are already wondering how much weight they lost during childbirth. The question of when they will be able to return to regular exercise is also not uncommon.
Postpartum – a forced break from training
The 9-month gestation period is followed by the so-called puerperium, which lasts about 6 weeks. This is a time of increased regeneration of the body after it has been heavily stressed physically and mentally during the past months. At this time every woman should take exceptional care of herself. Healthy diet, plenty of water, 8 hours of sleep and peace of mind. This will allow her to return to relative normality before pregnancy with redoubled strength.
Even if a woman was physically active until the end of her pregnancy, she should still rest in the postpartum period. Both the pregnancy and the birth itself took their toll heavily on the body. During the postpartum period, the entire hormonal economy also recovers, which is also of paramount importance when it comes to returning to complete fitness. Hormonal disorders can make it difficult to lose weight. That’s why it’s a good idea to wait and take this time for the baby and yourself.
Getting back in shape after pregnancy and postpartum
Return to any physical activity should be done with the approval of a doctor. It is worthwhile to visit a gynecologist and a urogynecological physiotherapist first. This allows you to check whether everything has healed properly after childbirth and what condition the pelvic floor muscles are in. This will prevent ailments such as muscle tear and stress urinary incontinence. In addition, the physiotherapist will suggest what exercises to do at home at the time to strengthen the Kegel muscles.
Getting back in shape after childbirth
The return to exercise and the gym itself should be started gradually. It’s not worth running a marathon or lifting 100-pound weights right away. There will be a time for everything. Over the past nine months, the female body has changed dramatically, so it needs time to return to full fitness. The more we press, the more frustration arises when it doesn’t work out.

Diet after pregnancy
Women who want to quickly regain their figure after pregnancy often go on a strict diet. This is not only very unhealthy, but also dangerous, especially if the child is breastfed. According to doctors A breastfeeding woman should eat wholesome meals throughout this period. In addition, consume about 500 kcal more than she needs on her own. However, it is important to remember that this is a completely individual issue, so the best solution is to go for a consultation with a nutritionist.
How to eat to get back into shape after childbirth?
At the consultation, the nutritionist will take into account many different aspects: age, weight, height and activity level. This will allow him to customize the diet to meet individual needs . During breastfeeding, random diets available on the Internet should not be used, as they can mainly harm you. Deficiencies in the mother’s diet have a bad effect on her health and the composition of her milk.
How to lose weight while breastfeeding?
Losing weight while breastfeeding is possible. It is important to do it with your head and under the care of a specialist. Under no circumstances should diets poor in any ingredients or those with, for example, an excessive supply of protein. This can affect both the composition of the milk, the mother’s well-being and disrupt the lactation process.
During lactation, it has been accepted that it is safe to reduce the caloric content of meals , provided that all the necessary components are provided during this time: vitamin D, vitamin A, iodine, selenium and DHA fatty acids. The diet of a breastfeeding mother should be rich in fruits, vegetables, fiber, good quality fats and protein. Thus, it will provide both milk for the baby and energy for itself.
Why do women want to get back into shape after pregnancy as soon as possible?
The rapid return to shape after pregnancy can be broad-based: psychological and social. Many women believe that with excess weight, sagging skin and post-pregnancy cellulite they are simply unattractive. They feel this way not only with themselves. If they are also getting such signals from their partner or outsiders, why should they feel comfortable? Their self-esteem is then lowered, complexes appear. They give up their social life until they feel comfortable in their skin again.
Man is a herd animal, so he needs human contact. This means that women very often do everything to get back to their pre-pregnancy figure at the expense of their own health. The child’s health, too. The editors of GentleWoman POLAND decided to consult an expert on the matter, psychologist Zuzanna Butryn, a psychotherapist and founder of the Sense Therapy Center in Warsaw. “It’s natural that pregnancy changes a woman’s body. We are used to our pre-pregnancy appearance, and pregnancy-related changes in the appearance of our bodies can cause us stress-every new situation requires us to adapt. On the one hand, we are happy that a new family member is coming, on the other hand, we are experiencing difficulties associated with the new situation. This is normal. Returning to one’s pre-pregnancy form can give us the feeling that even though a lot is changing in our lives, it preserves space for us to take care of our needs, including those related to our appearance. I am preserving the part of myself from before pregnancy that is important to me. However, it is important not to do it by force, disregarding the limitations of our body. Even before giving birth, we can work on accepting that our bodies can change, that this is such a time in our lives.”
Time is needed
Getting back into shape after pregnancy can be frustrating, especially if there is a first child in the world. A woman has to find herself in a new reality. This is the time when she learns how to interact with the child, how to care for it, and at the same time in all this she looks for space for herself and her partner. At first, it can be difficult to carve out even 15 minutes for a short set of exercises, let alone when she wants to do an hour-long intense tabata. Psychologist Zuzanna Butryn stresses that a woman is then haggled by “a whole palette of emotions. From happiness to sadness, anxiety and fear. Every emotion is ok here. Let’s remember that in the post-pregnancy period our hormonal economy changes, we are very often accompanied by the so-called “baby blues”- a lowering of mood caused precisely by hormonal changes. Of great importance in this period will be the support of loved ones-mainly the partner, but also family, friends, so that the woman does not feel alone in caring for the child. We need time to adapt to the new conditions, the new rhythm of the day, all of which can both please and stress us at the same time.” To this comes the fatigue after a sleepless night. Frustration builds up and then the idea of introducing starvation or, conversely, takes care of the problems.
Anna Lewandowska, Joanna Opozda, Malgorzata Rozenek-Majdan – what does their postpartum figure look like?
In addition to their own demons, women also get the image of perfect post-pregnancy figures straight from the screens. Anna Lewandowska, Malgorzata Rozenek-Majdan, Joanna Opozda or Anna Wendzikowska show perfect figures and flat bellies on social media just a few days after giving birth. How do they do it?
Actress Joanna Opozda appeared on the wall less than a month after giving birth. She boasted of her impeccable figure, and fans wanted to know her secret. On the other hand, there have been accusations as to why she doesn’t spend time with her child – Vincent is, after all, a newborn, and she recently became a mom. In addition, this is her first child, so it should be all the more important for her to enjoy motherhood. She was left with no choice but to reveal her secret and admit: “I would very much like to spend all my time with my son. Unfortunately, this is impossible. My life situation has forced me to get back into shape and work quickly. I need to earn money to support my family.” After her separation from Antek Królikowski, the entire burden of supporting the child fell on her.
Anna Lewandowska and her pregnancy exercises
Anna Lewandowska, who is a coach and professional athlete, is in a completely different situation. She was physically active throughout her pregnancy and showed her fans both the exercises she does during this time and how she eats. In her case, getting back into shape after giving birth was completely natural and much easier.
Anna Lewandowska has also created a special video series for moms-to-be, in which she presents the right exercises to help get back in shape quickly. For a small fee, you can download the app and implement this form of activity with one of the most popular trainers in Europe.
Fatal social media image
It is important to remember that often the ideal life shown on social media has a second bottom. Many of these stars are assisted by a staff of nannies and babysitters, making it easy to find time to exercise. And besides, their photos are repeatedly processed in graphics programs or by special applications. Add to that the right pose and suddenly it turns out that anyone can look perfect after pregnancy. Celebrities known from the front pages of newspapers should not be our oracle. Headlines like “She lost 12 pounds in a few days” should light a red light in our heads rather than propel us to action.
Unfortunately, this causes additional complexes in many women. If they can look good, what am I doing wrong? In such a situation, the safest thing to do is to log out of the network. Instagram is not our ally then.

How to take care of the body after pregnancy?
Personal trainer Marta Stoberska on her blog “Mobilize with Marta” repeatedly stresses that you don’t have to go back to exercising full time right away. Carving out 10-15 minutes a day will also bring dreamlike results. This form of activity may be slower, but it is certainly healthier: for the body and for the soul. A no-pressure approach will make regaining your dream figure come completely naturally. We don’t have to fight for every kilogram. Try to devote every spare moment to doing, for example, a few squats.
To make the skin look better, you can use the increasingly popular dry brushing. A few minutes every morning or evening will make your body firmer. Massage with a brush with hard and sharp bristles is designed to stimulate blood and lymph, so that the skin acquires a healthy, uniform color, becomes tight and nourished, and unwanted cellulite disappears.
All in good time
To get back into shape after pregnancy the most important thing is time. This is not racing. This should be done at the right rhythm and in harmony with itself. Let going to the gym, a fitness class or an evening run be a pleasure and a kind of relaxation. In this way, the figure of your dreams will come naturally, without straining or unnecessary frustration, and best of all, without compromising your health.