Sex after childbirth. You’ve heard a lot about it, but for now it’s the Holy Grail, the lost Atlantis, or even the gold at the end of the rainbow? Whoever saw, whoever knows. Female colleagues are still bragging about their erotic lives, but yours? Theoretically, it ceased to exist when a third child came into the world. And in practice… it was much earlier. Why is it so hard to return to sex after childbirth? We know not only the answer to this question, but also ways to make it like it used to be.
Why is it so hard to return to sex after childbirth?
You feel that you are permanently tired. As soon as the kids are asleep, you run to clean, wash and iron. Before you have time to put up another load of laundry, the youngest child is already waking up for a feeding. Where in all this are you supposed to find the time and desire for passion and sex after giving birth? We’ll give you a hint. You don’t have to run with the vacuum cleaner every evening. Nor do you have to clean the bathroom or pick up toys every day. After all, tomorrow they will be scattered in exactly the same place. Use this time for yourself. For you. For your relationship.

When can you have sex after childbirth?
Just when you thought that the hardest thing that awaited you after those 9 long months was childbirth, you were wrong. Then came puerperium. That’s 6 weeks during which you faced mood swings and hormonal ejection. Not only did you look like you had at least run a marathon (and 3 times a day), but you also felt like you had been run over by a road roller. When it passed, you could return to relative normalcy. And sex. First of all you should visit your gynecologist, who will check whether there are any contraindications to it. So if you get the green light from him, you can go home to your partner and indulge in the carnal pleasure you’ve been waiting for after all, right?
What does the vagina look like after childbirth?
The appearance of the vagina after childbirth depends on many different factors, including how the birth went. The rest is a matter of individual predisposition and genes. In most cases vagina returns to its original appearance At the time when the puerperium ends. That’s the theory. And the practice? In practice, in women who are breastfeeding, it can take much longer. This is compounded by problems with incontinence or bowel movements.
What is natural and what should be of concern?
Often the vaginal walls are stretched as a result of past childbirth or too narrow due to improper suturing after a perineal rupture. Fortunately, modern medicine has a solution for this in the form of plastic and aesthetic gynecology. There are many treatments that women can use to restore the proper appearance of their intimate areas. In addition to its appearance, its hydration or tissue thickness also changes. A vagina that is too dry and thin means frequent intimate infections and discomfort during sexual intercourse.
Mom, dad and three kids... how do you create intimacy?
How to return to passion after childbirth? The first rapprochement after childbirth is like a first date. How many times have you thought about starting something again for the first time? Now is your chance! Plan an evening just for you. No Netflix, no phones, no pajamas pulled out. Create the mood, even if you didn’t have to before the kids came along. Aromatic candles, dim lighting, appropriate music and even sexy lingerie. Yes, for your partner you are still sexy, even if you yourself don’t think of it that way. Most of our complexes are in our heads. And that’s what you should work on first and foremost. Remember you are GentleWoman. You are a Woman. And you can proudly say it out loud.
Experienced mom and lover
The topic of wanting to have sex after childbirth was also brought up by mother of three – Malgorzata Rozenek-Majdan . She has even created a special course called “Motherhood according to Malgorzata Rozenek,” which includes materials on motherhood, including sex.
He gives women a lot of valuable advice. The most important one is that one should not put pressure on oneself. You don’t have to do anything, you can do anything. Take a deep breath and remember that love comes first. It doesn’t matter if everything gets done at home, because what matters to your child is you. Therefore, use this time for yourself as well.
Your intimate life
Your intimate life depends primarily on you. It is said not without reason that a happy mom is a happy baby. Think about yourself and your partner. Everyone needs closeness, which is why it is so important to find a healthy balance between having children and enjoying them. Because, after all, sex is enjoyable. Even after three children.
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