Despite the fact that we live in much easier times than our grandmothers did, women are still expected to seamlessly and exemplarily combine professional and domestic responsibilities, raising children, caring for the sick, etc., without neglecting themselves. And that’s just not how it works. A day is not made of rubber, and no woman should approach her own life like an obstacle course. You can make a few things easier for yourself, you just need to approach your role at home a little differently. Start with 6 simple rules.
A well-organized home - 6 rules
Set your own standards Establish cleanliness and orderliness guidelines with your household members. Don’t be guided by what you brought from your family home, abandon the imposed patterns of the ideal housewife. Set your own rules and standards and expect your household members to abide by them. It is very important that you do everything together. Remember that it is not just your space. A well-organized home requires working together.
Shorten your “to do lists“ Time management is the art of discarding the unnecessary from your schedule. Focus on the most important thing. Remember that you don’t have to do everything at once. Let go if you are tired or in a hurry to leave. You will do it another time.
Delegate Planning involves delegation. The division of responsibilities should be equal and fair. Designate who, when and for what is responsible. A cork board or post-it notes attached with a magnet to the refrigerator will suffice. This way, each household member will know what he or she is responsible for.
Take advantage of technology Our grandmothers didn’t have so many appliances in their homes. Now you have them all at your disposal, so take advantage of it. They will significantly save not only your time, but also your energy. A vacuum cleaner or dishwasher can become your best friend in your daily functioning.
Home is not a museum Here you live, and so from time to time it is not perfect. That’s okay, don’t be a gendarme to yourself. Sometimes you have to let go. Home is a place of relaxation, where you should feel good. You don’t have to do everything at once.
Rest If you are exhausted, and you still have some outstanding tasks to do – you will not be effective. So try to organize your time in such a way, delegating responsibilities and scheduling activities, that housework doesn’t take up more time than necessary.

How do you organize your home to make daily chores easier?
- Get rid of unnecessary things. Tidying up always starts with throwing away everything that is overdue.
- An excess of things “in plain sight” creates a feeling of disorder.
- Designate a place for everything. Remember, however, that organizing must occur after selection, never before.
- Digitize – documents or photos take up a lot of space, and they don’t need to at all.
- Materials matter. Take into account how much effort it will take to maintain the furniture. Adapt the room layout and equipment to your lifestyle, not someone else’s.
- Take into account “red dots.” Where does it get dirty most often? A well-organized hallway really makes it easy to keep clean.
- One category of things – one place.
- A well-organized utility corner can greatly improve the cleaning process.
- Communicate. If you feel tired, you are entitled to that feeling.
- Have a habit of cleaning right away. It is regularity that determines the effect of cleanliness and neatness.
- Make the bed. When you come home after work to a house where you don’t have disheveled bedding in plain sight, it’s immediately lighter on your soul. It works.
When you put these simple changes into practice, you may find that you suddenly have a lot more time because you know when to let go. When to “embrace headlong” and when to roll up your sleeves. You may find that since you don’t start cleaning with a thorough decluttering, all that’s left to do is wipe the dust and mop the floors. And it doesn’t take that much time at all, since each household member takes “his own angle.” If the house is cleaned up and every item has a designated place, all that remains is to keep everything clean, which doesn’t take that long at all. Good habits and planning are enough for this. A well-organized home is your space. Keep in mind.