Coffee. Thanks to its caffeine content, it stimulates and increases thinking efficiency. It facilitates concentration and supports the digestive system. It accompanies us at different times of the day and at various moments of life. You know that feeling when you are awakened by its aroma? Or when it puts you on your feet during a long day at work? Known for hundreds of years. It first appeared in Europe around the 16th century and immediately gained a loyal fan base.
Can you imagine if it could be missing? Even if that were to happen, it’s not the end of the world. We know the 5 trendiest coffee substitutes.
Wheatgrass chutney
A green shot in the morning is a powerful dose of health and energy. Did you know that wheatgrass shot has a stimulating effect on the body as strong as a triple espresso? In addition, it relaxes, relieves inflammation and helps fight hypertension! Wheatgrass contains as much as 70% chlorophyll, magnesium and vitamin C, all components necessary for the proper functioning of our bodies. This valuable plant also has a positive effect on the digestive system and complexion, as it naturally cleanses the body of harmful substances and regulates metabolism.
Yerba Mate
Yerba Mate has a sizable fan base, thanks to its wonderful effects on the human body. Yerba contains small amounts of caffeine in it, and matein is responsible for its stimulating properties. What effects can we expect when drinking Yerba? First, it stimulates and does not cause fatigue after a few hours. Second, is excellent when intellectual effort is ahead, as it increases concentration and reduces mental fatigue. Moreover, it provides many valuable components such as vitamins A, B1, C, E, as well as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium. It also supports the digestive system and does not burden the heart.
ginger root
Ginger root is a wonderful vegetable. It is recommended for lethargic and sluggish people who constantly dream of taking a nap. Substances contained in ginger increase blood circulation, giving a decent boost of energy. Drinking an infusion with grated ginger root, lemon and a bit of honey is great, especially in autumn and winter. Why? Because such a “cocktail” warms up the body, supports immunity and relieves symptoms of infection. An infusion with ginger, honey and lemon is also recommended during weight loss, as it is great for metabolism and reduces the desire to snack between meals.
Matcha, or the world’s healthiest green tea. This Japanese tea is conquering the world, thanks to its wonderful properties. Although it has caffeine in its composition, there is much less of it than in traditional coffee (about 30 mg per serving). Matcha has as much as 10 times more antioxidants than regular green tea! It is our ally during weight loss, as it accelerates metabolism and fat burning. Moreover, it prevents cancer, slows down aging, removes free radicals and lowers blood pressure and cholesterol.
Dandelion tea is a healthy drink well known by our grandmothers. It is recommended for people struggling with lethargy and sluggishness. The herb tastes a bit like caffeine, so lovers of coffees with milk can try adding some milk to the tea and create a healthier latte. Dandelion infusion can be used for constipation problems and stomach pains. Dandelion is also recommended during body cleansing treatments, as it removes toxins from the body and acts as a diuretic.
Break through!
Once you know the 5 trendiest coffee substitutes, there’s nothing stopping you from trying them out. This can be an interesting departure from the familiar flavor and aroma, and perhaps in time you will give up coffee altogether.
More and more cafes now have a variety of substitutes for this drink, so run to work in the morning and order something new. Remember, he who does not risk, does not drink…. coffee!