The male perspective and the female perspective can differ seriously. It is for this reason that it is often said that no one understands a woman like another woman. What do men think of us? Does GentleWoman mean the same thing in the eyes of a man? For the portal GentleWoman Poland – Paprocki and Brzozowski.
Table of Contents:
- Hello stereotypes
- How do men perceive gentleWomen?
- Paprocki and Brzozowski on their inspirations
- Who does Paprocki and Brzozowski think a gentlewoman is?
- For years, the greatest of muses
- It’s a woman’s world
Hello stereotypes
How many times have stereotypical statements been made towards women about what they are best suited for. To cite them again would even be a shame already, because you women – you know what we are talking about here perfectly well. By instilling such values from childhood, a large proportion of us still put our faith in them, and worse, adhere to them. So it’s not shocking that women blame men or feel belittled in their company – even if they don’t have the attitudes to do so. Their intuition tries to warn them of potential injury.
However, we are slowly changing ingrained beliefs. Women are getting bolder and bolder in reaching new heights. Promotions, high salaries, leadership – these are all things we have achieved. And while this still leaves much to be desired, we are well on our way to full equality.

How do men perceive gentleWomen?
Unfortunately, through the aforementioned stereotypes, the definition of a gentlewoman in the eyes of a man is not always structured. The old-fashioned notion of GentleWoman is still stuck in their heads, causing them not to refer to the closest women in their lives by this term. Well, GentleWoman is no longer a woman of exceptional blood and fortune, but a woman with an exceptional soul and heart. Men who know this often encounter GentleWoman in their lives allow themselves to draw inspiration from her. She is the muse of many artists and entrepreneurs, the right person to discuss and exchange arguments and, above all, she is a woman who knows where she is going.
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Paprocki and Brzozowski on their inspirations
The editors of GentleWoman Poland had the pleasure of interviewing fashion designers Paprocki and Brzozowski. When asked about their inspirations, they replied: “We are inspired to create by meetings with women. When our potential client appears we listen to her needs. We assure her that we are there for her and create a creation so that she feels special and knows that this creation is just for her. At the same time, we realize that a woman leaving us becomes such an unwritten, but most important business card for us.”
Who does Paprocki and Brzozowski think a gentlewoman is?
“GentleWoman is very intriguing in her own way. She is a business woman, but very bold and daring in her actions. She is a conscious woman who knows exactly what she wants. She can talk about it and expects it to be special and most important.”
For years, the greatest of muses
Although the image of women has meticulously changed over the years – one thing has remained intact – inspiration. Each era was distinguished by completely different styles and principles, but artists drew their greatest inspiration from women. Mona Lisa, Hetera, Motherhood, Study of a Young Girl in Black and many, many other paintings were created in honor of womanhood. Sculptures, music, architecture or literature is filled with images of women.
Medieval lyricists equated woman with Renaissance love, the object of sentimental sighs and the cause of suffering. The Romantics, on the other hand, saw her as a Mother, a Wife, a Virgin serving the Fatherland. The same thing is happening in terms of fashion. It was not until modern literature that it was possible to break away from the preconceived framework. The wealth of literature has made it possible to draw even more inspiration from women, which has given art even more fascinating female characters.
It’s a woman’s world
To quote one of James Brown’s most iconic songs, “This is a man’s world, this is a man’s world. But it would be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl” (This is a man’s world! This is a man’s world! But it would be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl.) Times may change, technology may run ahead, the world may turn upside down – but women, that will always be the greatest force humanity can experience.