Summer, summer… and after summer. You waited a long time for it, and it came to an end even faster. You had more energy, started running every morning, eating healthy, even quit smoking. But there are summer habits worth continuing in the fall. Check out how you can do it. With us it’s not so difficult!
Read ten pages of the book every day
The time when we talked about Scandinavian thrillers and Nike discoveries during summer evenings – is over. Despite the fact that it’s been two years since you set up a library card, not too many items have appeared on your account. On your way to work you made several attempts to read “Morphine” by Szczepan Twardoch, but something always distracted you. Then came August, an afternoon lounging in the sun by the pool, and you finally found time to read Jackie Kennedy’s biography. You stimulate your imagination from the very first page of the book and feel as if you are rediscovering it.

How to continue it in September?
Read 10 pages of a book or spend 10 minutes a day reading. In the flurry of responsibilities, find time for yourself and settle into a corner with your favorite book while bathing the kids. Also, always have your reading handy to flip a few pages at a red light or on public transportation.
quit smoking
As long as your cigarette pack is turned over and you can’t see the baby’s picture under the oxygen camera, it’s fine. We have become accustomed to making important decisions with the end of the year. We watch ourselves for the first 20 days, then our resolutions melt away. Although, we have quit smoking, unexpectedly a cigarette appears in our mouths after the first stress of work and at a friend’s birthday party. However, quitting smoking comes easier during the vacations. Charged with positive energy and absorbed by beautiful views, you will forget to pull out a cigarette. After 4 days, free from addiction, you will notice that your voice no longer resembles that of Maria Czubaszek and you can run after your child without getting out of breath.

How to continue it in September?
Avoid smoking breaks with colleagues at work and count down the number of days you no longer smoke.
play sports
Previously, you did not put a strong emphasis on sports. You know it’s an important part of a healthy lifestyle, but its absence doesn’t bother you too much, and you maintain your slim line with light meals. Suddenly, earlier this year, you decided to show the world your biceps and strengthen your body in preparation for a vacation in Tenerife. Since you discovered your muscles, you feel better and even control stress more effectively.

How to continue it in September?
Adjust the exercises to your schedule. Carve out time for longer workouts and small stretching sessions that last 15 minutes. Choose the stairs instead of the elevator, be tempted to ride a bicycle. Find a place in your neighborhood that you will enjoy running to, or look for a gym near your workplace.
Meditate every morning
In your mind, meditation is Buddhists in their underwear sitting at Tibetan bowls. You are a rationalist and have never believed in the benefits of practicing this alternative method. This vacation, while on the beach, encouraged by your vacation carefree and your friend, you tried meditation for the first time. Since you installed the Stop.Breath&Think app, you meditate every morning in the shower and even think about trying meditation on your hyperactive child.

JHOW to continue this in September?
Ask your husband to be the one to take care of the children in the morning and give you the opportunity to meditate. Get up 10 minutes earlier, slow down. Find a course near work.
Get your computer out of bed
Before going to bed, you browse Instagram under the comforter. You pull out your laptop or tablet to watch a few episodes of your favorite TV series or browse the latest emails. You end up renting a cottage in Mazury, where you have to stand on a chair under the window to catch the net. You begin to discover the joy of spending time with your family, conversations with your spouse and the quality of restful sleep.

How to continue it in September?
Use the computer only in one room – it certainly can’t be the bedroom. Normalize your evening schedule, set hours for computer work.
Zen stays with other people
You are in the city, you live in the city, you flirt, you are constantly among random people, but you feel that you would never bestow affection on them. In the mall, where you are waiting for a late friend who has long crossed the line of decency, you meet a neighbor who did not even say hello to you. Next to a screaming child. You think you’re about to explode… On vacation you went to a Zen camp, which gave you good energy.

How to continue it in September?
Escape the harmful environment. Remember that stress damages cells and your well-being. Continue meditation sessions.
Change your children's meals
Until now, through a constant lack of time, but also fatigue, you have not had time to prepare your children’s favorite meals. In August, you spent a few days at the family home, and your cousin was surprised that you gave the children sausages for dinner. Not two days passed, and you organized a fishing trip and a trip to the family greenhouse, where you picked tomatoes and ate them in the sunshine.

How to continue it in September?
Start by buying frozen vegetables and look for interesting recipes in which you can use them. Whether you shop at the supermarket or your local market, develop your children’s taste buds and encourage them to try new things.