It got you too… Wondering how to deal with procrastination? Unfortunately, we no longer go to school and we can forget about the 2-month summer vacation. We live in an adult world and have a lot of responsibilities on a daily basis. Most of us have to spend 8 hours in an air-conditioned office and we can only gaze longingly at the sun and green grass outside the window. Others run their own business, and although they don’t have to sit at a desk, sometimes their situation is even more difficult, because they have to find the strength to mobilize themselves. Well, exactly how to do it? Are there any rules to help us focus and motivate ourselves?
Rie World has taken up the challenge for us and sought advice from well-known workaholics and psychologists, who suggest how to deal with summer procrastination and also added some proven tricks on how to focus on what is important and increase your own productivity.
Get enough sleep!
I know this firsthand. How many times did it happen that I had such a full schedule that I slept for 4 hours at a time and so on throughout the week. I thought that by taking more time I would do more. In fact, if I had been sleepy then what I did in two hours I would have done in 60 minutes. It is very important to know how much sleep each of us needs to be rested during the day. Some people need 6 hours, others 7-8. The fact that we always lie down and get up at the same time also greatly affects the quality of our sleep.

Plan your day!
How to deal with procrastination? I’m obsessed with planning, I always make lists of priorities for the whole year, for the whole month, week or day. With planning, I know what is important to me, what is urgent and what I can leave for later. Without a plan, we are clumsy and passive; by planning, we prioritize spending time actively and thus have more time in reserve. It is important that the plan be realistic, meaning that we do not overload it with responsibilities, and flexible and ambitious, meaning that you can learn something new every day. With such a plan you will not waste a single day.
Trust the order on your list of issues!
Should I write promotional text, select photos for a post, make a poster for the next event, or maybe start a video? None of these tasks need immediate attention, but they must be done. Even with such enjoyable tasks on the list, sometimes just having to decide where to start knocks us out of our rhythm. For this one, I learned to trust my task list! If I entered the poster first, I start with him.
Consider afternoon naps!
If it’s logistically possible and your body tolerates 20-minute naps well, be sure to try them out. Scientists, generals and world-class artists use this technique!
Go to bed having specified what you have to get up for in the morning!
Have you also gone to bed more than once with the thought that tomorrow you will conquer the world? So many things to do, so many interesting meetings, so many plans. The next morning the alarm clock rings at 6 a.m., and you don’t know why you set it so early, and after a long reflection you come to the conclusion that you don’t have so much to do after all, and you could have slept until 8…. When going to bed, I always remember what exactly I have to do first and answer the question: why I get up at 6 am. What I have to do later is not important, my planner will take care of that.

Divide your work time into blocks!
Eben Pagan in the course “Wake up productive” tells about an interesting solution to increase productivity. This is working in blocks of time. The goal of such work is to focus 100% on the most important task, cutting off all possible distractions. Block work time is related to human concentration, which critically declines after 50 minutes of focus. That’s why most lessons in schools and universities last 45 minutes. The effect of a short break is also used, allowing a quick return to focus.
Here is a diagram of such work in blocks of time:
- Focus for 50 minutes on a single task, removing all potential distractions during that time (turn off your phone, TV, instant messenger, email program, etc.).
- After that, take a 10-minute break. During the break, you need to do something completely different. Go for coffee, relaxation or physical exercise, stretching, walking.
- Repeat point one.
- Now it’s time for a longer break, 30 minutes. You can eat something light, go for a walk, etc.
- Repeat points 1 to 4 and another break, after 2.5 hours.
Don't sit still!
Exercise and movement are one of the best ways to boost energy and strengthen concentration. Even a short 10-minute walk can help clear the head, stimulate alertness and increase attention.
Eat less, but bet on quality food!
Excessively large portions are the bane of our civilization. Eating a lot and unhealthily robs us of the energy we need, we become lethargic and uncreative. I have noticed that when I eat systematically and healthily I work better, have more strength and greater concentration.
Start a low-information diet and become a positive selfie!
Brian Tracy, ranked among the world’s top professional speakers, urges people to follow a special mental, low-information diet. This involves reducing all unnecessary information coming to us. Television, Internet, radio are just examples of such sources. Most often, the fact that “we know what’s going on in the world” will not change our lives. Become a positive selfie!
Interestingly, according to surveys, people who watch a minimum of 1 hour of TV every day perceive the world as more gloomy, evil, cruel and unfavorable to life. People who don’t watch TV see the world as much better and have much more opportunities for development.

Don't criticize, don't complain, don't waste energy focusing on the negatives!
Here commentary is unnecessary. Just remember that what you focus on is what you invite into your life. Instead of criticizing and spending time on negativity – act.
Just start doing it!
Procrastination is a disease of our time, but there is an effective and simple solution for it. Instead of starting another blog and checking Facebook, get on with your task. Just for a minute. You will see that it will be difficult to tear you away from it for another half hour.