From childhood we hear warnings about all the dangers of this world. He learns where to go out and what time to return. This is due not only to stereotypes, but also to a sincere concern for the safety of loved ones. Rape, kidnapping or fraud have been on the rise in recent years. The victim of this type of crime is often unable to remember what happened. It really takes very little to take a rape pill. It includes ghb acid, which is responsible for everything that happens next in the human body, but the symptoms of taking the pill can vary. The rape pill – are we able to protect ourselves from it in any way?
Table of Contents:
- Rape pill and ghb acid – what are these substances?
- How does it affect the body?
- Anyone can become a victim of crime
- Ways to get the RPMong
- Inventions that can help you
- What if we take the pill?
- This should be discussed
- Be vigilant
Rape pill and ghb acid – what are these substances?
The term – rape pill, rape pill or rape cocktail – is now common knowledge. So what is this tablet? It is a psychoactive chemical that causes drowsiness and even several hours of amnesia. It comes from the group of depressants and includes gamma-hydroxybutyric acid(GHB). The acid was used in medicine, during surgical procedures as a relaxant. It was subsequently withdrawn from use due to its undesirable side effects and the fact that it had no analgesic effect. It is currently on the list of banned substances. No trace remains of the ghb substance. The rape pill administered to liquids does not change their color, does not emit an odor and does not change their taste. So whether it’s water, a drink or beer – it will dissolve seamlessly and its effect will be consistent. Its effect on a person is evident in just a few minutes after taking it, assumed to be 15-30 minutes, and it causes loss of consciousness. Detecting this drug, however, is much harder than adding it to a drink unnoticed. The rape pill is undetectable in the blood after 8 hours, and in the urine after 12.
How does it affect the body?
There is a reason why the rape pill is also called the pill of forgetting (date-rape drug). The victim remembers nothing, is completely stupefied and defenseless. He loses awareness of his actions. He is like a puppet in the hands of his tormentor. Initially, a person is filled with euphoria because ghb acid promotes the release of dopamine. So you may notice a sudden agitation and a desire to play. In women, there is also an increased desire for sexual activity. The loss of consciousness itself often happens gradually. This is not the condition that accompanies people when too much alcohol is consumed, as control over movements is usually retained. When the initial stage of arousal passes a person may feel drowsy. It is a condition so severe that it is almost impossible to control. After time, there is a complete loss of consciousness and control over one’s actions. This condition persists for 6 to 8 hours. After this time, the victim may experience such side effects as nausea, dizziness, nystagmus, breathing problems or convulsions. A rape pill in the worst cases will lead to coma, cardiac arrest or even death. However, it is important to remember that the effect of a rape pill will vary from person to person. The rape pill can interact with other drugs taken on a daily basis or alcohol previously consumed.
Anyone can become a victim of crime.
The rape pill is a concept that mainly targets women. However, it is important to remember that men are equally at risk. Women are most vulnerable to sex crimes. In men, on the other hand, loss of consciousness is most often used for theft. A disco or a club party are the most popular and easiest places to sprinkle it into a drink. Vigilance is then more dormant, various stimuli surround a person from all sides, while a thief or criminal will have easy access to a potential victim’s drink. So if you find yourself in such a place exercise moderation in drinking alcohol. Thus, awareness and attentiveness will not fail. However, it is important to keep in mind that the club is not the only place that can carry danger. Taken unknowingly, a rape pill has such a quick effect that it can happen at any time of the day or night and in almost any place.

Ways to defend yourself
Everyone in life has heard the phrase “be careful” more than once. While we have a say in what time we return to our apartments, how much alcohol we drink and who we go out with, we don’t have much of a say in what goes into the drink we order. However, there are several ways to take care of your safety. Above all – a glass with a drink should never be left unattended! And while this is a well-known fact, it is still forgotten by many people. The safest way would be to consume drinks from your own opened bottle or can. A very important aspect is to go out among trusted people. The rape pill works very quickly and intensely, so the closer the circle of acquaintances, the easier it will be to recognize that there have been changes in behavior. It is also important to remember not to leave the circle of friends for a long time.
Inventions that can help you
In the interest of safety, special glass covers have been created to make adding a pill to a drink much harder. SafeCup is an eraser designed to create a casing for a drink. All you have to do is remove the rubber band from your hair or hand, find the small string, pull it and put it on your drink. In addition, researchers at North Carolina State University are working to develop a nail polish that makes the rape pill detectable. Its task will be to detect not only GHB, but also substances such as flunitrazepam, ketamine and chloral hydrate, active substances that are usually found in a rape pill. The only task will be to soak a painted nail in the drink, while the nail will change color after detecting one of the listed substances. There are also special testers to detect substances in the drink. Just apply a drop of the drink to the tester, and after a while we should get the result. If the color turns green it will mean that there is ghb acid in the drink.
Read also: Women who changed the world.
What if we take the pill?
The importance of going out among trusted people has already been mentioned. However, this article could not miss it. Awareness of how the rape pill works and what happens in a person’s body after taking it sometimes makes it possible to realize that we have been given a pill. That’s when you should report it as soon as possible to the people you trust and make sure you are in a safe place. It is best to return to the apartment and ask friends to take care of you for the next few hours or call an ambulance. There is no room here for self-reliance, independence or pride. In such a situation, a person is needed, fully aware and ready to help at any time. This also applies to people who notice strange behavior in others. It is important to remember that specific behaviors are not just the result of alcohol intoxication. In the situation of recognizing or suspecting the effects of a rape pill in someone, you should feel obliged to provide help immediately.
This should be discussed
Very often victims of the rape pill choose not to talk about what happened. On the one hand, it is completely understandable, these are traumatic experiences that are hard to work through with oneself, let alone share them with the world. However, it is important to remember that telling these stories can protect more people.
Editorial recommends: Margaret victim of rape.
Be vigilant
Perhaps instead of saying goodbye to someone with the words “be careful” we should start saying “Be vigilant_y“? Risks can only be avoided through constant attention and awareness. So we are left to keep our eyes and minds open and not lose hope that there will eventually come a moment when we will stop fearing for our lives and those of our loved ones.