A bikini does not have to be your swimsuit. Gentlewoman feels comfortable in any beachwear, Regardless of what her belly is like! Are bathing suits covering this condition required of gentlemen with a tummy? Male dictate should be considered in accordance with the saying that behind every man’s success is a woman.
Table of Contents:
- First and foremost, health
- Definition of female beauty
- Terror of the perfect female body
- The influence of genes
- Is there a miracle formula?
- Changes in BMI
- The way of Dr. Toshiki Fukutsudzi
First and foremost, health
This vacation season is upon us. This by no means entitles us to rest on our laurels. Our silhouette requires constant maintenance. A small flat belly – we all dream about it. Unfortunately, it is not a gift for everyone, and the risk of having a large belly increases with age. Genetics, menopause, constipation, sedentary lifestyle: why do some women have a big belly? In a few months we will have to uncover it without blushing, unveil it without complexes…. What if, instead of looking at each other’s navel, we dealt with it? Firmly and intelligently. With the right exercises at the gym, the right foods, small pills that promote deflation and a little common sense. Are we all equal (especially women) to the big belly that spends our sleep with the arrival of spring? A so-called cucumber topic? Not necessarily. It’s not just the ‘mental’ aspect of the problem. It has a second bottom in the form of not “aesthetics”, our well-being, but above all the health dimension.
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Definition of female beauty
Defining beauty or what is aesthetically pleasing can seem challenging. However, female beauty is present everywhere, from fashion magazines to advertisements. The definition of female beauty changes with the eras, but is always seen as a (male) dictate, performing a de facto social function. The function was imposed by men, and women bowed to their dictates. Beauty is both relative and universal. It is true that the canons of beauty have changed over the centuries, from the Callipygian beauty of Renoir to the slender contours of today’s women. In Darwinian evolution, beauty and seduction go hand in hand, with a purely functional goal: to ensure the reproduction of the species! But these are philosophical considerations, and we are primarily concerned with the canons of modern beauty aesthetics, which include a flat stomach. Beauty ultimately aims only to express the truth of who we are, externally and within ourselves. Beauty is undoubtedly a matter of harmony and balance, specific to each person and their culture. In this take on modern beauty, any bulging fat breaks this balance. And this is where the problem of a large belly comes in.
While men with a so-called ‘belly’, standing up to the sun’s bronzing rays on their bodies, with a can of beer in hand (what a common sight on the Baltic Sea) are not ashamed of this ‘fat accumulation’, ladies with such a condition are subject to ‘discrimination’. Discrimination and even ostracism that does not take into account genetic conditions.
Terror of the perfect female body
With the arrival of sunny days, that is, in a few months, bikinis and the celebrities wearing them will hit the covers of magazines. The “terror of the perfect female body” will begin. However, are we all equal when it comes to weight loss? Not all men go bald equally just as not all women, despite the commitment on their part, can have a flat stomach. Despite the use of so-called “miracle diets.” Our biological predisposition is also determined by genes. Abdominal fat density is partly a genetic issue. In addition to the limited effectiveness of diets, researchers have found very high inter-individual variability in the way our bodies regulate weight, including when tracking food intake in studies. Results that underscore the importance of individualized selection of measures to understand the mechanisms of weight loss and develop personalized solutions tailored to each person.
This variability, which can be called “individual susceptibility,” has been highlighted in several epidemiological studies. For example, in a study conducted in early 1990 in Quebec, researchers invited monozygotic twins to consume 1,000 more calories per day, compared to their usual intake, for about 100 days. At the end of the study, inequalities in weight gain and body weight were pronounced. Fat was found to be less within the same pair of twins than between different pairs. Similar results were obtained with regard to weight loss by studying twins subjected to a restrictive calorie diet. Genetic factors may therefore be involved in the development of obesity.
A person is two to eight times more likely to be obese if family members are themselves obese. Several teams of researchers have identified several genes involved in weight gain, severe obesity and/or related complications. Other studies have also shown that thinness can be partly explained by genes. It should be noted that while each gene individually plays only a small role in regulating body weight and composition, the contribution of these genes becomes significant when they interact with external factors such as energy imbalance. In addition to genetics, age, stress levels, hormone levels or individual biological rhythms are factors that can affect weight regulation and intervene differently from person to person.

The influence of genes
It’s easy to discredit someone who doesn’t fit the ideal of a perfect body, of which a flat stomach is an indispensable attribute. It is more difficult to consider whether this is a conscious choice or the influence of genes. After all, the beach is not the center of biological divagation. This is the epicenter of our visual experience. Individuals who do not meet certain and expected criteria are eliminated from our experience. The summer is too short for such divagations. Besides, beer stimulates a man’s imagination…not including his own dangling belly in this assessment. But, after all, it is not we men who are the object of visual vetting, but the opposite sex.
There are two types of morphology, gynoid and android. The first is typically female: fat cells tend to accumulate in the legs, thighs and buttocks. The android type is male, with a preferred location in the abdominal area. Between them, anything is possible. In other words, women have a more or less gynoid morphology, dictated by their heredity. Thus, some women have a natural tendency to accommodate a belly, while others do not. And this fact should be accepted. It will be of no use to fight windmills. The sooner we accept this, the better for our (female) psyche. It should be remembered that behind every man’s success is a woman. And it also includes this success for gentlemen with a tummy.
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Is there a miracle formula?
Genetic determinism can, of course, be “fought”. Depending on age and physical ability: walking, cycling, swimming, gymnastics…. Otherwise, at any age, there are exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles. A small daily session of 10 minutes is very effective! The very fact of carrying out these tasks improves a woman’s well-being above all. And as the saying goes, in a healthy body, a healthy spirit. Moderation, after all, is highly advisable. Do not set unattainable goals. In this case, the Pilates method is probably one of the most benevolent and complete, as it calls for “tightening” the waist (abdomen) smoothly and deeply. Is there a miracle formula? A large number of studies have examined the effectiveness of diets based on calorie restriction, which promise maximum results in a very short time. But for researchers, their effectiveness remains limited in the long term. While weight loss in the first six months can sometimes be apparent, one to two-thirds of the weight lost will be regained within five years. However, scientists agree that weight loss, even 5%, will lead to significant metabolic benefits: a drop in glucose levels, blood triglyceride levels, a reduction in cardiovascular risk. More important are these parameters than the aesthetic effect.
Changes in BMI
Why do some people have a big belly and others don’t? Dr. Boris Hansel: “We can consider that the “big belly” is a consequence of two problems: inadequate diet, what I call “eating disorder,” and insufficient physical activity. Of course, genes play a role that may explain why the belly grows more easily in some people than in others. But genes alone are not enough to explain it.” Thus, exercise. Celebrities benefit from them, why can’t we too? More than fifteen years ago, French researchers compared the genetic profile of about one hundred and fifty families, in which several people were obese, two by two. Geneticists have identified a potential culprit: a gene called Ob1, located on chromosome 10. One version of it occurs once in three in obesity.Ob1 was one of the first genes to be localized.
A few years later, in 2005, the same team, in collaboration with British and American scientists, identified a gene called EPP1, on chromosome 6. Depending on whether or not we have a particular version of this gene in our cells, our body does not respond in the same way to insulin, the hormone needed to regulate blood sugar levels. Worse: as soon as this gene contains three mutations at the same time, that is, three specific changes in its DNA, the risk of diabetes and obesity increases by 50 to 70%! Flimsy, but a consolation. It’s not our fault that compared to Ms. Kasia, we have a more abundant belly. The number of genes involved in overweight or obesity that have been identified now exceeds 60. Some have such striking effects that their mutation alone is enough to cause abnormal weight gain. Their mutation disrupts leptin, the hunger hormone. Thanks to numerous studies conducted on twins, for example, we now know that genes control 70% of the variation in BMI – the famous index that relates our weight to our height. But in addition to our genetic profile, diet and physical activity obviously play a role in scale differences.
Ladies who are trying to fight this affliction know very well that trying to lose weight is not always a pleasure. This is a real challenge that may seem unattainable for some, especially for women who want to maintain a line and have an impeccable body according to their desires to please themselves and others. Often daunting and rigorous, diets and other physical exercises prove to be a real obstacle course for some. Not always bringing the expected result.

The way of Dr. Toshiki Fukutsudzi
Japanese women are known for the attention they pay to their appearance. Why not learn from their experience? One of the latest trends for losing weight, and especially for finding a flat belly, is a Japanese technique designed by Dr. Toshiki Fukutsudzi that makes it easy to lose weight while shaping your body. This a priori method is very simple and does not require a strict diet, rigorous exercise or even money, it only requires maintaining certain positions using a rolled up bath towel, a belt, a flat surface and 5 minutes of time a day. Dr. Toshiki Fukutsudzi focused his weight loss method on postural correction to help women combat back pain problems while strengthening abdominal muscles.
He discovered that the main cause of fat accumulation in the abdominal area is the gap between the pelvis and ribs. When he established this correlation, he designed the rolled towel method in such a way that it was quick and easy for everyone to get rid of belly fat. We refer all ladies curious about this technique to learn more about the exercises: Roll up a bath towel and tape it up. Sit on the floor and put the towel under your back at the level of your belly button. Then lie down with your legs shoulder-width apart and bend your legs inward so that your big toes are touching. Extend your arms above your head, turning your palms toward the floor so that the little fingers of both hands touch. If you can’t bring your hands together, hold your position as far as you can, but make sure your feet are touching. Stay in this position for 5 minutes three times a day to achieve your goal. If it didn’t help, at least you made an effort and a bikini is not the only obligatory swimsuit. The most important thing is to feel good in your body.