Sex is still a taboo subject. Many women (and men) are embarrassed to talk about it. And when it comes to ladies over 50? Some say that sex of mature women does not exist at all. However, we know how wrong they are. He not only exists, but is doing quite well, and celebrities Joanna Przetakiewicz, Malgorzata Potocka and Jane Fonda are proving it. Among other things, it is thanks to them that we are no longer afraid to speak out about women’s sexuality a this age.
Table of Contents:
- Too young to die, too old for sex
- Sex of mature women
- G-spot – the holy grail
- Where is the G-spot located?
- Four types of orgasms
- What mature women want
- Sex (not only) in the big city
- Plastic gynecology
- Restoring orgasm in a mature woman
- Kamasutra for adults
- Sex after 50
- Sex after 80
- A fulfilled woman
Too young to die, too old for sex
A mature woman is one who has already seen and done her part in life. She has probably reared children, made a career, toured the world, had more than one lover and stolen the hearts of many men. Does this mean that the end of her conquests has come and she will no longer cohabitate? Unfortunately, there is still a belief in Poland (and not only) that a woman over 50 should hole up at home, in warm slippers, and preferably help with the grandchildren. But she is still alive and well. Now that she has fulfilled her responsibilities, she finally has time to pursue her dreams. Also the bed ones.
Sex of mature women
Sex at this age is completely different. A mature woman is aware of her sexuality, knows what she likes and what she prefers to avoid. He’s not going anywhere in a hurry. She knows that the baby won’t knock on the bedroom door, and she doesn’t have to get up at the crack of dawn because she’s being chased by her responsibilities. She can coexist with her partner on her terms and give herself 100 percent to pleasure. Especially since she deserves it. A mature woman can talk openly about her needs, but also listens to her partner. As a result, they are able to harmonize perfectly, and thus achieve a delight that some people can only dream of.
G-spot – the holy grail
Pleasure during sex in mature women is also due to the fact that not only are they aware of their bodies, but also know exactly how it is built. In a Google search, still one of the most common questions is “how is a woman’s vagina built?” Young girls often don’t know about how their bodies really function, because mothers don’t talk about it with their daughters. Therefore, women learn it all by trial and error on their own. Step by step, they discover what the anatomy of their intimate places looks like and what will make them reach orgasm. Men aren’t the only ones who don’t know, Where the famous G-spot is located. Also, many women have a problem with this.
Where is the G-spot located?
The G-spot is actually a small area located on the front wall of the vagina. It is highly innervated, which makes its stimulation allow a woman to achieve orgasm in just a short time. In theory, it is simple. But in practice, every woman is built differently and the G-spot may be misaligned… or according to studies, it may not be there at all! Italian scientists have discovered that only some women have it. What then? Is reaching orgasm even possible?

Four types of orgasms
Fortunately, yes! A woman has the chance to achieve as many as four types of orgasms: vaginal, clitoral, oral and tactile. Few people have still heard of the latter two, and contrary to appearances, achieving them is not all that difficult. It all depends on where on the body the receptors responsible for achieving the greatest pleasure are located. To achieve oral orgasm, you only need either a very passionate kiss or as much as a very passionate kiss, since the receptors are located on the lips or tongue. Stimulating them for a long time can make a woman reach orgasm already during foreplay. The same goes for tactile orgasm, which occurs during fondling. Proper stimulation of the breasts, buttocks or inner side of the thighs can lead their owner to achieve the pleasure she has been waiting for.
What mature women want
This is why sex for mature women has many advantages that much younger ladies don’t even realize. It is not true that when menopause comes life loses its meaning. It just takes on different colors, and not black at all. Menopause is not the end of the world, especially if a woman is under the supervision of a specialist who will help her deal with ailments such as hot flashes or a decrease in libido. This allows them to peacefully indulge in pleasure without thinking about the consequences, including an unplanned pregnancy. He can coexist as if there were no tomorrow. Many young women, especially those who are unprotected, are afraid to give themselves 100 percent to pleasure in bed because they fear they might get pregnant. Women who have gone through menopause no longer have this problem.
Sex (not only) in the big city
But the problem of menopause and the ailments that come with it still frightens many women. Research doesn’t lie. As many as 94% of women who have undergone it suffer from reduced libido, and 88% of them limit or give up sex altogether. And they are not alone in this. Probably each of us remembers the scene when Samantha, the main character of “Sex in the City” goes through menopause. Just when she thought that with it would come an end to her bed conquests, it turned out that it also carried many benefits. Therefore, when the first symptoms of menopause appear, it is worthwhile to go to a gynecologist, who will help to control unwanted discomfort and enjoy sex.
Plastic gynecology
But in addition to needed hormone therapy, many women also need plastic gynecology treatments. In mature women, there is a decrease in the production of collagen, which is responsible for, among other things. For moistening the vaginal mucosa. Then its walls become thinner and flaccid, resulting in irritation during intercourse. Only 1% of women surveyed report that they do not experience such ailments! Therefore, do not give up, and take advantage of the benefits of plastic gynecology. It will allow them to coexist again without any restrictions or fear of pain or discomfort.
Restoring orgasm in a mature woman
One of the most popular treatments that can restore a woman’s satisfaction with her intimate life is known as the “intimacy treatment. A shot of love, or O-shot (Orgasm-shot). With just one visit to a specialist, a woman can regain her confidence and make the hunt feel satisfied with her intimate life. So sex for mature women is by no means doomed, as there are many more such procedures: G-shot, restoring clitoral sensitivity, restoring labia volume or vaginal revitalization.

Kamasutra for adults
In addition to improving the appearance and function of your intimate places, you can also spice up your intimate life with brand new sexual positions. To do this, it is useful to use the Kamasutra. This remarkable book is hundreds of years old and is an extremely valuable source of inspiration when it comes to sex. This is not only sexual positions, but also a description of the many skills that will assist in obtaining satisfaction during close-ups, varieties of caresses or types of relationships. This treatise on love can really change sex life by 180 degrees. With it you will rediscover sex and on a whole new level. You can coexist with your partner using techniques and positions that were previously unknown.
Sex after 50
Our native celebrities known from the front pages of newspapers are also well aware of this: Joanna Przetakiewicz, Malgorzata Potocka or Agnieszka Fitkau-Perepeczko. The former repeatedly stresses in interviews that she loves sex and cannot imagine life without it. In an interview she gave to Viva, she said that sex gets better and tastes better with age. And where is the key to success? As she herself recalls: “no matter how, no matter where, it’s important with whom.” Although she lost her virginity as early as age 14, she recalls today that sex tasted bland then. Now at 53 years old, she already knows how to achieve orgasm and fulfillment in bed matters.
Sex after 80
But today’s 50-somethings not only look but feel younger. So it’s not surprising that he doesn’t shut up about sex at this age. What about much older women then? The forerunner in this subject is undoubtedly Jane Fonda. The Hollywood star, who will turn 85 this year, has repeatedly said in interviews: “It only gets better with age! What do we have to lose?” According to her, as women get older, they become more aware of their needs and sexuality. They are not afraid to speak out about what they expect from their partner in bed. Her opinion seems to be shared by Agnieszka Fitkau-Perepeczko. Although she is in her 80s she still hasn’t slowed down and surprises the public by dating younger and younger men. And what’s more, he willingly and loudly praises sex with them. It says that women of all ages can coexist!
A fulfilled woman
Any sexologist will undoubtedly admit that sex and pleasure in bed has no metric and knows no limits. Why? That’s because sexual needs are always there, even when there is a decline in libido. Sex among mature women, therefore, no longer has to be a taboo subject. Not only should one not shy away from it, but above all it is worth talking about it out loud. We are in the 21st century. The time women were just waiting for. When they have come to their senses and can shout loudly about their needs, even if they are intimate needs. They can have sex and achieve satisfaction with life on their own terms, and engage in sexual activity they may not have been able to afford before. Sexual intercourse at this age is therefore already pure pleasure, and the stereotype of the sad lady over 50 need not apply to them at all. In adulthood they get what they deserve, which is one hundred percent satisfaction with life.