The times we face are overwhelming and sad enough. The prevailing pandemic around the world has changed our mentality, habits and approach to many things. It can be assumed that we have come to appreciate everything that we often missed before – family, friends, a partner and a stable job. We began to notice that going to the movies, to a massive party, out on the town and celebrating with loved ones at a nearby restaurant was a great comfort that was taken away from us. It can be assumed that singles noticed this the most.
single - feeling of loneliness
Breakups are never pleasant even if the relationship was not one of the happiest. There’s always attachment, habit and just plain regret involved, that something was supposed to be forever, but fell apart. This awareness becomes even more pronounced when we are affected by loneliness. This one, in the age of the coronavirus, can be really piercing. This is well known to singles who are left all alone. Admittedly, being single can be really cool among other things. because it provides an opportunity to “spice up” like never before, we finally begin to see that we are the most important, doing something just for ourselves.
downsides of being single
We begin to realize our dreams and boldest plans without asking anyone’s opinion. However, in the context of the raging pandemic, all the advantages of being single become sort of invisible, because we don’t get a chance to take advantage of the endless opportunities this status offers. Instead, the disadvantages of such a state of affairs are highlighted. Watching Netflix alone doesn’t sound so inviting at all, making dinner for one person is a waste of time. So is taking care of yourself. Especially now, when the vision of a happy relationship and starting a family is getting further and further away, becoming less real.
What feelings accompany singles who are left alone in the face of coronavirus? Says 30-year-old Anna: “The pandemic is having a major impact on various spheres of our lives. There is no denying that the biggest one is related to loneliness. Because of the current situation and the fact that I have been single for a year, I feel a kind of waste of time. Nothing special happened in my life and I didn’t even have the opportunity to meet someone who could change this life. Loneliness is very giving. I miss not only loved ones, but most of all the one loved one that is hard to get to know these days. I fear that if we continue to function in this way, people will withdraw from relationships with others, learning to live alone instead of building relationships with another person by their side.
singles - ways to get lonely
How to deal with the feelings described above? How do you avoid getting lonely? Addiction psychotherapist Piotr Gawęda answers these questions: -My answer is: “tell me please, why do you think loneliness is difficult for you? What is loneliness for you, and what is solitude? What’s the difference?” Many people are afraid of loneliness because they fear their inner self, their thoughts and feelings. In loneliness, we focus on ourselves, and our being is often muddled, full of anxiety, chaos, awareness of shortcomings and longings, and suggestions of what can be done to experience loneliness less. What do I suggest? Let’s take care of ourselves.
Let’s become the authors and doers of our own lives. Let’s take responsibility for them. Let’s look for ways to realize ourselves so that we are, as conscious beings, a better version of ourselves than we were yesterday. Let’s focus our attention on our interests, passions, learning, creativity, entertainment, or… lazing around. In solitude we will see what we are, what we are aiming for, what we want from the world, but also what we can give to the world.

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It is worth taking this advice. Nothing lasts forever. This unfortunate situation also. The most important thing in this difficult period is to find a way to be alone. And love? It will come when the time is right, and no one said it couldn’t happen during this thankless time. The most beautiful things happen when you least expect it.