The world has changed beyond recognition in a year, and we have changed with it. We are used to everything being virtual. Our relations also. During the global pandemic, we have been used to the idea that contact with another human being is bad because it can sometimes be dangerous.
We’ve become accustomed to maintaining an appropriate social distance. This distance has also inadvertently trickled into the interpersonal relations. The pandemic has contributed to the inability to participate in public spaces and cultural events.
And after all, these are ideal opportunities to meet your soulmate. Current times take away all the joy that comes from establishing new relationships, among other things. Of first dates, which can sometimes be… embarrassing, and therefore charming. How are singles coping in the face of these strange times, and who are the modern matchmakers?
there's plenty to choose from
It would seem that social media – especially dating media – has become even more important. They used to be used mainly for “matrimonial” purposes, sometimes for socializing. Today, however, they have often become a response to loneliness and unexpected events that have changed the world. One way to make contact with a stranger, besides going to the store or traveling on public transportation, has become TINDER. Is it a response to the other’s deficit? Every day the popular application is used by as many as 10 million users! These figures speak for themselves. What is Tinder’s potential? He is said to be able to find a couple for everyone. All thanks to the ELO score algorithm and swipe capability.
Alternative dating sites, work in a similar way. We can include among others:
BUMBLE: In his case, it is the woman who has to take the initiative, to establish contact.
BADOO: One of the largest applications of its kind in the world. Badoo’s free capabilities, unlike Tinder, are unlimited – the app allows you to search for your soulmate on the other side of the world.
HINGE: This is a slightly different application – less anonymous. With it, we will arrange with friends of friends. It is based on Facebook.
Deliverance in the covid era?
After proper research, we can find a whole host of such applications on the web. What do their users think about it? Karolina dating apps does not mention with enthusiasm: – Unfortunately, these days, being single, it’s hard to establish any new relationship. People tend to be confined to their four walls, and on dating sites the description is fronted by the text – I don’t have a covid… I’ve always been an advocate of getting to know people in the real world. The virtual one seems to me to target only one thing.
In contrast to Karolina’s story, the story of Dominica, who found her love on one of the dating apps, fills me with hope: – I didn’t believe it myself, and it’s happening! I met Maciek during the pandemic, on one of the dating apps, which, incidentally, I set up out of boredom. Now it’s not boring! Six months from the first click, we live together.

offline mode
Dating apps have more than one name. They can alienate as well as unite two people who have probably been looking for each other all their lives. One thing is certain – if they are helpful in surviving these strange times – it is worth taking advantage of their possibilities. Who knows, maybe there’s something more than the characteristic “hey, what’s up?” waiting for us when we swipe the screen. And if the displayed relationship status is still “free,” remember that the world does not end on Tinder. There are many more ways to get through this strange time – yoga, a book, a new hobby, improving yourself. Adversity can also be overcome offline.
tinder scammer
What about scammers, swindlers and full-time heartbreakers? Because there is no shortage of them either. At one time, thanks to a high-profile Netflix documentary, the whole world was alive with the case of the so-called “Tinder cheat.” Shimon Hayut, for that is his real name, has stretched and driven women from all corners of the world into multimillion-dollar debts. He also had Polish women on his list. Thirsty for love, tired of the pandemic, they fell for his charm, and he brazenly took advantage of it.
This situation really only shows us the tip of the iceberg. There may be many more fraudsters of Shimon’s ilk. Therefore, when deciding to use dating apps, you also need to be careful and approach each friendship with your head. This is not always easy, because as we know, the heart is not a servant.