“Freeganism” – A report by the Federation of Polish Food Banks states that 9 million tons of food is thrown away each year in Poland. This means that each of us disposes of about 235 kg of food per year. However, there are people who, in their own words, save them from going to waste. They are freegans, who in Polish are also referred to as container makers. Looking for food in dumpsters is mainly associated with homeless, destitute people, but freegans are not at all forced to do so by financial hardship. It is a conscious choice of a certain way of life, and there can be many reasons. One is, of course, frugality, another is anti-consumerist ideology or caring for the environment by preventing overproduction.
Make an appointment to skip
On social networks you can find numerous groups of people who want to get together for a so-called skip, or dumpster trip. For example, in Warsaw there are groups such as: “Umowię się na skip – Warsaw”, where beginners are looking for more experienced people to introduce them to skipping, or “Freeganism, dumpster diving, food sharing – Warsaw”. Food sharing means sharing food, which is very common among skippers who have saved too much food to consume on their own. After a successful hunt, surplus food partially goes to so-called food pantries, which are special refrigerators where anyone can leave or take food left by someone else. On social media, after a hearty skip, there are so-called “bragging posts” with photos of the enormity of the food that was found in the dumpster in front of the market, which is still fit for consumption. Freegans don’t despise food with yesterday’s expiration date or vegetables or fruits that don’t look as nice as others. On a similar note, online groups are used to donate any items, such as clothing, books or household appliances. Extending the life cycle of products not only has a positive effect on the wallet of gift recipients, but also reduces the production of waste that would be generated in the manufacture of a new good. This lifestyle can also be an expression of rebellion against marketing manipulations calling for an increase in the flow of money.

Eating for free - is it really worth it?
When I first heard from a friend about the freeganism she practices from time to time, I decided to go skip at least once myself. I contacted people from my neighborhood and we met near one of Warsaw’s markets. I was hoping to skip in the evening, when it is dark and no one will be in the market anymore. Unfortunately, my hopes were dashed when I learned that it was necessary to go quite early, because after that there would be nothing left to collect. I imagined that the vendors would put away the products they had failed to sell, stacked in boxes, at the dumpsters, and we would simply take what was still fit for consumption.
Freeganism - what does it entail?
At the market there was… one such place, where the vendor had set up crates of cherry tomatoes that could be dressed up. But this was the exception; for the most part, vendors packed produce into bags, where fresh fruits and vegetables mixed with spoiled ones.
Time is money
When you return from a successful skip, you have to expect a lot of work ahead. Products should be washed, trimmed and stored properly. Since skip products are not of the first freshness, they need to be cooked quickly, and if they are diverse, several dishes need to be made from them. Therefore, after each skip, we will probably spend a few hours in the kitchen. Of course, this way we won’t have to cook for several consecutive days, nevertheless, if there is a lot of food, finding space in the freezer can be a problem. In addition, if you have “saved” a large amount of a product, you have to eat the same meals for several days, which may not be very appealing to people who like variety. On the other hand, by preparing one dish instead of several, we save time. Of course, skipping not at the market, but under the market, you can probably also find prepared foods and even non-food products.
Skipping is not for everyone and can be challenging, but it is a valuable experience. It helps change attitudes towards food, towards saving it, and makes us realize how much of it we carelessly waste.