There comes a point in our lives when we begin to notice that time passes inexorably. But does the passage of time have to be frightening? While we can fight wrinkles, physically we can’t turn back time. Does this mean that there will be no more “first times” in our lives? After all, there is still so much to do. Instead of seeing the downsides of this situation alone, it is worth looking for the positives as well. And there are definitely more of them! The passage of time – that is, its good side is at hand. You just have to reach for it.
The good things about the passage of time
“(…) people do stupid things for fear that everything in their lives has already happened. You will no longer be in college. No longer will you be drinking into the morning with friends, building bonds that can last for decades (…) Youth is cool because it’s intense. And you can do totally banal things then: sit at a concert, ride a train, drink a beer on the beach, kiss a woman at a pedestrian crossing, and that moment will last in your memory for years. And a decade later you can be at a concert, riding a train, drinking beer on the beach, kissing a woman who will be even more beautiful than the previous one, but it won’t be the same anymore, because that intensity will be missing.” (Peter C., “Dirt,” Novae Res Publishing House, 2016, p. 35).
It’s hard to disagree with this quote. Everything that came first was unusual at the same time. Everyone has their “first times” that they will remember all their lives. Such things are not forgotten, but after all, no one said that something even better would not happen.
Time is our ally
It is worth remembering that as we grow older, our character is formed. When we are in our 40s we know a lot more about ourselves than when we went to school or college. Besides, it’s the passage of time that as we get older we become more familiar with the world, we know how to behave, we know what we want, what we expect from life, from others and, above all, from ourselves. We do not allow ourselves to behave in certain ways not because something is not right, but because we know what we tolerate and what we do not. We make conscious choices, and besides, we are much more aware of our bodies. We are both aware of our advantages and disadvantages. We know how to hide flaws and how to expose the best in us. Thanks to such awareness, we do not pay undue attention to trivialities that used to be able to bring us to tears.
In addition, very often with age and experience, our income increases. And financial independence is a very good thing, then our capabilities, sense of freedom and well-being increase. We are beginning to see the pluses that used to be the minuses. Things that used to bring us to tears, such as a failed date – today they entertain.

The passage of time - Passing is great
And while we will never again fall in love for the first time, try our first cigarette or go on our first vacation without our parents, we will also never again have a day like today happen to us. Eternal youth will only be ensured by living a good life – playing sports, taking care of ourselves, eating healthy, serenity, carrying out our plans, and being forgiving of ourselves, our weaknesses and the passing of time. With age also comes to us the understanding that unraveling our youth can take us away from the here and now. We may not notice that we are alive. The best is yet to come, after all, there is a reason why it is said that a woman is like wine – the older she gets, the better she gets. Put the experience you have gained to your advantage. The passage of time doesn’t have to be scary at all! You don’t need to learn from your mistakes anymore, because you’ve made so many of them in your life that you’re a perfectionist at it. Now you can just be yourself and take handfuls from life. Because if not now, when?
Today you can proudly stand in front of the mirror and say: I am a Woman! I am GentleWoman!